CES 2013: Panasonic launches 56in Ultra HD 4K OLED TV

Panasonic has unveiled a 56in Ultra HD 4K OLED TV screen during today's Keynote Speech at CES 2013.

The announcement comes hot on the heels of Sony's own Ultra HD 4K OLED TV - the prototype was unveiled yesterday during the Sony press conference as an exclusive world first for 4K OLED screens.

Not the only one in the world now, the Panasonic 56in 4K OLED TV also claims to be the world's largest OLED panel produced using the RGB all printing method.

Panasonic expects this production process to be suited to producing various-sized OLED screens, paving the way for more OLED screens at different screen sizes.

The 56in screen measures just 8.9mm in depth and promises wide viewing angles and 'excellent colour reproduction.'

The prototype is on show at the Panasonic booth at CES 2013 - we'll bring you more details and pictures soon.

Panasonic announced new Ultra HD TVs at its press conference yesterday, as well as a host of other new TVs, headphones and more for 2013.

Catch up on everything new at CES 2013 on our constantly updated CES blog.

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Kashfia Kabir
Hi-Fi and Audio Editor

Kashfia is the Hi-Fi and Audio Editor of What Hi-Fi? and first joined the brand over 10 years ago. During her time in the consumer tech industry, she has reviewed hundreds of products (including speakers, amplifiers, turntables and headphones), been to countless trade shows across the world and fallen in love with hi-fi kit much bigger than her. In her spare time, Kash can be found tending to an ever-growing houseplant collection and shooing her cat Jolene away from spinning records.