How to cancel your Amazon Music Unlimited subscription

How to cancel your Amazon Music Unlimited subscription
(Image credit: Amazon)

Amazon Music Unlimited puts 40 million songs in your pocket, ready to be streamed at will.

But if you've decided that it's time for a change, we have some good news: cancelling your subscription is easy to do. Here we'll walk you through how to do it, as well as how to cancel your Amazon Music HD add-on while you're at it.

So whether you're opting for a rival like Spotify, Tidal, Qobuz or Apple Music, or just want to save some money, here are the steps to follow.

How to cancel your Amazon Music Unlimited subscription

(Image credit: Amazon)

How to cancel your Amazon Music Unlimited subscription on desktop

Cancelling is a doddle. Just follow these steps.

1. Head to Your Amazon Music Settings in your web browser.

2. Click 'Amazon Music Unlimited'.

3. Under 'Subscription Renewal', click Cancel.

4. Confirm your cancellation and you're done.

Once you've cancelled your subscription, you'll be able to continue using your subscription until the end date. After this date, any songs you've added from the service to My Music will be greyed out and unplayable.

How to cancel your Amazon Music Unlimited subscription

(Image credit: Future)

How to cancel your Amazon Music HD subscription

Amazon Music HD is like Music Unlimited on steroids. It offers a mix of CD-quality and hi-res tunes for less than its competitors Tidal and Qobuz. But if you'd had a taste and want to go back, here's how to cancel your subscription.

Note: if you've cancelled your Amazon Music Unlimited subscription as above, your membership of Amazon Music HD will automatically end.

1. Go to Your Amazon Music Settings in your web browser.

2. Head to the 'Amazon Music HD' section.

3. In 'Subscription Renewal' details, click the 'Remove HD from my subscription' option.

4. Click again to confirm your cancellation.


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